The Promise We Make

Freeze Point Electronics is committed to providing our customers with the best services, expertise, and convenience possible, demonstrating that we are the trusted partner in technology Return & Refund Policy. Our products are all delivered at extremely low prices. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, we can assist you with an exchange, return, or refund.

Returns Policy

The products may be returned and refunded in full, according to Freeze point Electronics. When returning a product, there are a few requirements that must be met:

  1. The item must be undamaged, unopened, and in brand-new condition.
  2. The purchased item must come with all of its original tags, accessories, instruction manuals, warranty cards, and complimentary gifts.
  3. The supplied item must be returned in its original, undamaged packaging.
  4. We reserve the right to send the returned item back to you if we determine that it is not in an acceptable state.

Reasons for Return

  1. The purchased item has minor flaws, is broken, or isn’t working properly.
  2. A defective or incomplete product was shipped.
  3. It is necessary to swap the purchased item for a different brand.

Refund Procedure

Freeze point Electronics has the following policies regarding refunds:

The money reimbursed up to 10 days will be returned in accordance with the purchase price.

After 10 days, the refund amount will be subject to market forces; if the market price drops, so will the amount being reimbursed.

The amount repaid won’t change if the market price rises (i.e., at the time of purchase).